The 11th floor of the castle X desktop world will see the end of the second skill Mega-mail No. 3 against it, then it will transform into reality, then run away (if the fight will end a Bad Ending If not, open the chest to Aamnsoog. And the scene ended with a Good Ending).
Story began in Jomtien Demon X desktop are raised. Crystal is based on the exit door to the world. King of Tycoon Castle, so quickly go to a temple at the same time maintaining crystal Far resort pirate chief returning from the sea and check out Ralph King City is also one of the world are traveling the world with the League of industry check.
When U check the League dropped Butter Katz to Kho Bo Jo went exploring. And met with Rena. Princess of Tycoon castle that the father was also attacked baked Lin. To help her and the two heard the cry of one person. When U check to see near the League. Draft check found unconscious in bed. But when he woke up. He remembered nothing. Rena and Ralph to check is separate from us. Travel to the mountains on the left. Is found, we could check with Ralph again. Both to help them out and bake it and all 3 Lin decided to join in to help with the father of Rena.
Once into the cave. I found the pirate ship. Fortunately, they all sleep together. To sneak into a stolen boat. Shall bow But the vessel refused to leave because the ship does not come into force by hand. But the water dragon. Three of farm animals to draw. Fast re-aware of the pirate chief to meet our boat Rena exchange for jewelry, but that does not work. We are all being captured.
The next morning fast re-order our release and return the jewelry to Rena. Far more jewelry, because it re-Rena knew that his sister that their separation. Overboard when they are children. Fast decisions and re-presented to our boat and travel with us.
The north chapel. Penetrate up to dabble on the top floor. 'll Find crystal explode Store will be the new career.
1. Friar
2. Warrior
3. Chom white magic.
4. Stolen.
5. Chom black magic.
6. Chom Mon blue
Warp out and go west. Housing was Tony Wu million. In a big house here to see patriarch Pratunam handed the keys to us. Cruise to the right into the sluice Middle of the ship will be the shield of the sky dragon Extra resort will be drawn down under the water. Cruise ship is without a goal and go next to the wreck. We have a world map in the collection. And the solution will be found across the sirens. Use illusion to fool people, each thinking. Do not be fooled, but check drafts. She then put all the earth to meet again
Is there Car circulating among House news came prepared. He then went north to see the Giza hunter hunting a dragon dragon mountain Rena's father here. But it was injured. Rena maintain it then we will be able to travel by dragon-riding to the village with a castle. On the other side.
After the comments Remote king in the castle. Industrial League have agreed to check. Animal Camera make generous check through the brute up. The king hurried to see the Water Tower holes at the north tower showed that all people were hurt, including with the king. The Crystal Room. Camera check holes are rampant. Crystal will stop it, then break out again at 2 shall be collected and then add the occupation.
1. Warrior Broker No. Sir.
2. Warrior sword sorcery
3. Chom prayer time.
4. Chom prayer time.
5. Chom magic red
6. A giant
Remains one more piece of crystal, but has not been collected. But the tower will collapse shield Extra help us in time, it was gone. (The waterfall behind the castle. To keep the demon Siva. Fight, but quite difficult).
Industrial League, he went on to check to warp to the other side. Here are some villages Optical Nec. Enough to shop here We caught back to the castle. But will people come to help. Machinery to ship next castle The White Tree found in the frame to capture the princess, it suppressed the Crystal Room. There were demon possessed, press the switch destroy the castle. Hurry to escape within 10 minutes and then the castle will explode. Crystal waste spill out. Store and then have a new career.
1. Ninja.
2. A wind rain
3. The use of animals demon
Walk through the southeast. Into the library. In this free e-demon to keep safe. Returning to the village pub, 2nd Floor, Chemicals Nec will meet with acid. Then go to the boat next to the village holds a completely updates the boat. Check drafts to remember anything and then some. Cruise south. Gun Crazy was the village. After the village. Our boat is sucked into the sea. To the forest on the left. Joe will find a purple cow Bowl. Catch it and then re-farm roots to crack. The crystal splash out. Then keep adding to the occupation.
1. Chaser
2. Poetry.
Ride it straight into the Forest Library. We went to the desert was not possible. Acid Library is to meet with the Mid and ask him to help him go to the desert, the desert is a worm out. Removal will be able to walk through the desert. Through the deserted village. Here was the father of Rena. Track according to him, but we were deceived to fall below Standing at the podium will be square to warp to meet Sid at the base of the Mid-ship Both ships will update you have become a balloon The back bedroom is a magic dwarf the properties. Choose the correct answer to question two more flights to try to guess the other deserted villages. The earth quake that caused a giant fortress and a pop up and float high Airship over and over. Back at the base ship. Siddiqi told the Mid-listen And then to keep it a Car Times League ball in the check industry first. Then remove the acid with Middlesbrough at the base balloon He will update the ship to fly higher. We fly over the top turret ahead. Inner Meet Rena's father is fighting the dragon Helped him into the Crystal Room. Rena's father to destroy the crystal, but behind it spoiled. X-left-Benz came out and attacked all of us poor people out of state. Right away, the League of industry check ball 4 has dropped down from the sky protecting kids know of their drafts to travel across the world to check the League of industries. To attack the father of Rena is demon possessed. X desktop and then left to run. Injury was the father of Rena. The child should die from 2 to both in the presence of Crystal will keep new career here is all that explode up. We will get them out of here. Is a new career.
1. Knight dragon
2. Samurai.
3. Dancer
4. Neu Potions.
And protecting this knowledge brought Ralph back to check his world from us. The vessels at the base of the acid will exist. Industry to meet him at the first check ball League. He will allow us to warp the Draft to check out the Car by leaving it to the Time Warp. To check the League of which he will demon ball 2 balls 3 Titan to fight the boss will have to warp up. Get ready. To the village that has not ever been to. Prepared to complete. Match of forest villages Isaac Tong Reed left the top of the map has demon Smooth mold. Will be a suppression of fungal Moody. Satan will be used to mold Moody. Village matrix that surrounded his hometown of Butter Katz. The occupation of the samurai threw for sale at 8 bush bush in this village. For magic to be frogs. Talk to people here. Music instruction is one of the professional poet. More music in the village of Crazy Zen Well come to school. Tycoon's castle is great for storage. When ready, it comes at the most Warp Warp to World 2.
We are a small island in the Camping bed will have a trace of X-Benz show it to catch all of us imprisoned in a castle Draft check raid to help me. Ka Mate fight with skill and then took us out. He will be joined in with us again. Escape to the left of the bridge and the castle will open curtains Bath Area. Spring, we went to sleep in another.
Nearby villages have prior knowledge. Sir, the castle and guide the collection of the legendary 12 pieces, but I was not.
1. Sword X Car List number
2. Dagger killer
3. Krabi Sa Su Kay.
4. Holy Spear.
5. Ax, rune St Agnes.
6. Samurai sword to Samuel Ena.
7. Thanu Yo-ichi.
8. Whip fire
9. Rod savant
10. Lyre of Apollo.
11. Necromancer staff.
12. Bell land
Walk forward to see the forest. Mo covered by forest Gallery to see When you find one compact, will dig the soil away. As a hole it dug. More and c are found within the assault. It then helped into the wild "More Creek. Here is a short dance with the store. "More talk about it all C. Will be the one to tell the press room cooled. Then cooled to room to get us to the Castle Bal. Talk about protecting this knowledge, then she will ask us to keep herbs on the north to keep his dragon Go north to find the village Woo software. Find information here to find K. Broker, he will fight with us. Then people went out to Wolf. Talk about wolves that chase the music will be binding Zombie has put all the better than expected. Walk to meet him. He is a demon new Global Village was attacked. Support it, then it becomes a demon of us Mountain herbs and kept fighting to keep Dragon Bal Castle. Protecting this knowledge, we try to go to the sea islands. Do go see turtles guitar. If you see Sir, the castle gate. I put the book inside each container on the container volume as the second row, middle row, far right cabinet, cabinet 2, bottom row will open the secret passage to spell out Tele posts. Used to warp out of the dungeon.
Dragon ride to the sea islands. But to the island will sink. Dragon Ride to the right of the castle X desktop. A fleet Dragon boats take to the middle will find that Sesame to eliminate the X desktop stays awake enough this showed that trace the X desktop to harm people in the boat. Mega fat fight with Gil again. Down to the floor in the hull to help raise Sesame trunk Will go down to the submarine. Sesame will ship to the South Tower Bar Area for more destruction. Then put all the top bosses tower will explode. We escaped, but behind Sesame escape. Die here
Then the boat to the underwater cave Ki Do. To find a turtle Ki Do will get stick. Moore came to the village. Using a submarine to duck into the forest dim, and then use the stick open. Inward to fire, but "More to come, will help in time. When the lights die out, then came the big tree in the forest. Staff will find a way to use crystals demon X desktop and left it appeared. We absorb energy from the crystal. Protecting this knowledge to help us again, but slip to check against Ralph ฮึd X desktop and then X-injured left-Benz, but fled to check out Ralph's breath. Ralph has the power of their forwards to protecting this knowledge and know he is protecting us aboard.
Return to Castle X desktop. When it comes to Level 3 was the time Kelly Wolf Broker die Wikipedia as the Arctic, he helped make a real castle X desktop appears. (If you live in the soil into the lava will be) the level of Warp 9 has a fight with Global Cool Car it is always vulnerable to change. (Try to charge the sword magic sword fighter fire or ice bolt level 3 teeth it ever look to several teeth. If it is changed to match the weak position of our swords. Were lucky), suppress it, then it was a magic demon at level 11 will find skill Mega-mail No. 3 against it, then it will transform into reality, and then run away (if the fight will end a Bad Ending If not, open the chest. will Aamnsoog. And the scene ended with a Good Ending), 14th against the devil Chom X desktop. Enough to win it two castles collapsed and the world together into one world.
We will show it to nearby cities Tycoon event will celebrate the return of the two princesses. Butter Katz with protecting this knowledge back to the cave and brochures into valley riding Joe cattle. But fell down and fight with the ring master soft Fast restart the help. Then near the entrance. Meet Tao Ki Do. While the story is that Ki Do X desktop came and left. Castle Tycoon power vacuum into the Black Hole. Then we blow flies attack.
We will be at the Library. To discuss the X desktop. Ki Do give books to open the door pin Pyramid. Over the top of the pyramid pin. Store, and Dragon Rock, Bahamas, it aims to wake up and fly safe missing
Joe Pa at Boeing Co. Rena Rena with a dragon's here. But Rena attack us. X desktop appearance and black holes suck Library and then disappeared. Dragon's Rena Rena tackle. Demon that haunted it out against us. Rena wins will have to be accompanied by Near This airship parked.
When the airship is fit for the X desktop using black holes suck the village and Places all over. (Now you can go left nest X desktop by going to where ever the location of the castle Tycoon boats will be attracted to the nest of the X desktop, but would surely not survive.)
Back to the water dragon cave is a pirate drama is a demon shield.
The island side Bottom of the map is the village hidden in the forest Try walking enemies Forest Row will be taken to the village. Housing sales are good, but it's hidden in the back of the shop or in secret, here are the secrets to take Joe with a purple cow Bowl.
Phoenix Tower took Jo Bo purple cow flying through the forest on the right. Figure walking through the desert to Phoenix Tower. On the top floor of the Red Dragon would become a magic demon phoenix.
Mount right on the Bahamas, aims to find safe. Suppression will be a magic demon
Sir guide to the castle. Remove the stone onto the weapon instead of the 3 legendary items.
Central to the temple to take a long stone bridge above. And Curse of the water tower.
To the water tower, we will split into 2 or more out of the magic spell Holy lasting.
Acid to the base ship with Middlesbrough will ship with a submarine.
Using submarines to underwater observatory. Down to the ground floor to meet with Neu imitation cocoa, watch the last piece of crystal. Do not attack it. It will run itself. Professional will be imitated.
The submarine to the cave behind waterfall Tong Isaac Reed at the top of the map under the water. Into the back of the waterfall. But the devil will find the water dragon Sun River Sun sensitivity to the waves. Fight with it instead. Has won a magic demon A 3 stone piece.
The submarine to sea rift. To remove the last piece of stone and magic metabolic O-Tech.
When ready to match the black hole Tycoon Castle. Into the nest of the X desktop. Faced with many a good boss. In the end it was almost a boss fight with it when Gil Osaka Mate repentance. Help us to fight and sacrifice themselves to kill the boss as (in case of open chest middle of the room and meet the skill check in the castle Mate X desktop. At the end of World 2) and appeared to be a safe spot.
