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วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554
FinalFantasy VI
We will start the game the village coal mines are null-like people of the Empire towards the village. To find the legendary demon animals. We go through the village defense forces to enter the mine and you will find.Monster Mill located on handle it successfully, walk inside you will find the crystal, the legendary demon trapped animals to explore, it will explode .............When she woke up to find that they come in the house of the man who helped her life. You will know that she is Tina. Then someone will come hunt Tina. Away from the house to the back door to mine and we'll be around. And falls down ..........Then rock the promise of the sergeant's home to help. When rock to their card will appear. "More and Creation itself will be displayed and will help us play, we must wait MINI GAME prevent. Their card to the T's. When we put all their cards out. Rock to take Tina to check Phil Castle Ro south .....At the Castle Fish Zero, then check to see King Edgar Rock is separated on a business trip to explore the castle, walk around. Go to the tower on the left talking with people in the know about Edgar's brother at a secret even to fight for Edgar's a lot people say that Cave of the Roman Empire came to Osaka. To go to the rock and then walk to the rock. The right side of the castle. Cave invasion and destroyed Osaka Castle Fish Zero check. Then talk to army chief. Edgar's will help. We took the castle and down to hide in the desert. But Cave Osaka will send Condo R. Merrill to manage our generous handle it and walk to the cave in the lower right. Walk through the cave to find the city last year South Fish Zero check. Go to the pub to talk with shadow. Try checking with him around the house seems to find the Mach Located just north of the city. This mountain and Coles. The northeast. Coles to the mountains. And over time people will see a shadow jump in - all the time to walk to the end of the shadow will find a man named Gus Bal. He came to attack us. Laundry room fight with him and Mach will appear. Do not come out fighting. But when the talk is done to fight with the Machine Global Gus immediately, but will not fight because the Department of Global VEGAS secret attack While Smash is about to be defeated Mach sidekick to think up. Press the command "sidekick" and then press Left, Right, Left, Circle. Then use Mach Punch Dinraebid sidekick cracked down Bal Vegas / 0.1beta.After that trip to the Marine forces against Turner's visit with the old Canal, to be asked to join forces with the old, but it will not see how that's a person of the Roman Empire. Then, enough for one night should go.Talk to all of us to fully come out in front of the cave talk to the old Canal, and then as you. Patriarch would agree they should be the same the day before we will depart from Sao people will check out Phil Roma told the news that the city of South Carolina.Zero Check Filter to capture the soldiers was already Rock volunteered to go to before and Ladela us raft to the city, such null. But while rafting in the region will see a demon The Electronics Guide for when to stop, get rid of it out. Mach then follows it down. In water, but were attacked as they creep with Tina ..........Then the game will allow us to choose to play 3 chapters. Rock, Tina, Mach.The role of rock.When the Rock came to town South Fish Zero, then check with the merchant and then stealing a set against it. Then go to the pub cellar management.Then remove the generous wine merchant that is placed on the table. Was used to house people in the bottom of the Item Shop and then go talk to the children.The ground floor of the house answered the second option, then the child will open the door to the house through a secret passage on the second floor and find more.The secret behind the cabinet. Then you will see women being soldiers of the Empire in practice. When prison guards to help her sleep. Then talk to know.That she is exploring the process and then restart the prison guards will lock the door, which can be located directly watch the top right of the room.Right when opened as a solution to pop out of the city. We fled back to the City Street Journal, for example, through a cave. And will meet with Dick.R. Merrill, when it will be managed throughThe role of Tina.At the Terminal, such will be prohibited from entry. Let us enter the village in secret ever to escape and go to the home of the person.Tina had already helped a MINI GAME to play on through the chapter will end.The provisions of Mach.Mach floating next to East Coast. When the people awake to find home. To find the shadow. Talk will be accompanied by shadow walk southeast to find the camp of the Roman Empire. Explore, then the game will cut to the castle.Condo Cinema Empire soldiers will attack the castle, but Do N. Chi, a conservator The city is protecting the city on every time Cave Osaka is the traditional dirty poison into the rivers, so people of the city killed survived, but Chi N and the military more people to see signs of the king dough in the castle will find a king. toxicity has been already And enough back to see his wife and son.It was found that the two dead as well. N. Chi has invaded the camp on one of Cave Osaka for revenge. N. Chi, go to help. When finished, it will put all soldiers are accompanied by N. Chi. Back to R. Merrill took the top off and then go through the military.From the camp to go forward to find a labyrinth inside forest to meet up at the train station and the train is leaving the station on the train and walk to explore the room, the procession will find a lot of robots and ghosts. Trying to walk to the locomotive. To the end when the ghost will have to crowd around us. Escape on the roof and direct it to the left and then jump to another train.Hack switch trains will be cut off. Explore in every room to find a thief Chom Acid free, safe talk, it will fight the theft of the ark, and then fled. Walk to locomotives chopped switch the left, right survey smokestack We will fight with the devil trainWhen they win, will pass. From the forest, then go east and walk up to the cliff top bar to find lanes. And shadow to be split. Jump off a cliff, you will find the winning side with the devil, and then to faint away Law will help us to scratch it and then fled.To travel to the northeast to find a African Village Mall here that we find. Meat Price: 150 Gil from store to store items and walk against the enemy when we met to scratch Law meat, he will be scratching their Law. Then walk south to the cave.G walk through the cave. Will find the river and then we'll go diving.Map divingLeft.Right Start (2 Cave Bed with Green Valley) Housing New KR.Right (a cave with X-Potion) leftRight (2 Cave Bed with Green Valley.)When the new village and KR to talk to captain, then select option 2, it will return null boat rental / 0.35beta.When returning to null, then it will need to plan such protection from the demon army Cave Osaka. It has failed to provide. Then we will go. On the cliff, which is home to the demon, the legendary animal. Enough already exploring that would become a demon and then fly to the group and then travel to Castle Fish Zero check. Talk with the uncle who control the engine, then he will move to the pond, sand castle. Near the village Corinthians Gen stay and go north to find the town of So So within a high tower. Stay up top removal Boss then will meet with Tina and Gestalt La Mu Kilen siren socket Easy to use enough to come out, it will be rearranged and then walk down to the city registry dollar into the mansion of Sir, talking with people out to be a letter to the opera house in the south. We will see you all again Atheros here Then restart the process will need to select songs by opera. Order No. 1 is to choose a song. Select a song 2 times 2. No. 3, select a song. Then the actors walk and so on.Talk and talk until it becomes us to pick flowers. Walk straight to the top of the balcony threw flowers down at a scene will end.Cutting to the rock when walking back to your letter you will find all Atheros want to hurt back to re-process all of us. Then switch to the panel on the right side. Hack switch the far right. Then go to the left goes through to the beam on the November Dan has given us invade.Alltech managed to cross and we will agree with me just to fight, then it will stay away. Sir, it appears, and then set up to re-capture process. Go on the airship By then will be to help set them with a Sir. Airship will arrive at Chicago removed Brook room and walk up.To the mountain top to see which aisle to go up to the castle appeared Wake eye Approached a man standing match crate Then he will be the temptation to deviate the attention of the military. We climbed up onto the crate Around on the roof enough to goThen we let down into the castle. Into the castle to find that the Cave is about to Osaka is to remove the demon 2 by 2 to find the demon. We will fight to win it when it is free, safe and Gestalt Impact to Dane Silva will meet next room.Animal experiments demon To press the switch on, animals will become a demon stone demon all Then Cid will show up talk to Cid and then we will have to Gestalt unicorns Aberdeen fans check Hn Spa Meditation Circle with Car Bang Biz Mark used, but we will be. Cave bringing the military to shut Process re-makes enemies disappear with her power, but more than shock. The plant turning away.Acid to the acid will give us the tram to escape (but a little fight with the enemy) to escape to find a set that Acer is waiting, but while we are away. Cave Osaka has taken a giant crane to destroy us. Collapse it and then we will run out successfully, we now drive Airship Black Jack now own. So the chain drive to the village. Tina then went to find some good will come out.Treatment should provide. This really is the best as the father of Tina and Tina sure enough, it will return us back to the same cities such as null to consult with the old bar Annan then flew to the east of Castle Toyota Wakefield. Be found in the camp, but no one I walked into the cave. (Do not forget to keep the ultimate weapon sword which only Al in this), walking and so on will find cave demon That would transform into the open mouth of the cave. They demon will come off the rock to tumble down the cave mouth again. Back out to be. They were chatting and then we fly to the castle by boat between the eyes, but Wakefield is their demon. Damage to vehicles and landing.Veranda near the castle and walk to Wakefield eye Is a man guided us to find Porn A Chak A video board, Extra gum, he will. Let us live together meals in 4 minutes. We walked out of the military to talk to everyone. When it's time we will visit the dining room table. Yes, there's a little bit. Then the Emperor, it will allow us to borrow the airship travel to / 0.44beta.Back into the village of Al-hole removed. Into the village, where a port Generals to talk to Leo and shadow to re-process it. Will come to us. However, re-process the rock so upset with Tina ran to the hotel. To stay in the hotel and central Rock Night with process re-adjustment will understand each other. It will start out early enough to go by we'll go to the east and the coast. Nearby village, Sa Masa. Walking into the village. Into the house at the top. Indented to the right a little. Here is the home of a brand with Ghost Dream granddaughter Talk and stay in a hotel one night. Night to fire upA brand Ghost has come to ask us to help his niece stuck inside with He will go to help with the inside will find BOSS on disposal and we will be unconscious until the ambush. But shadow is to help them to keep up. Morning we will Ghost has a brand is a shadow, but they will be asked to separate. From the mountain villages, indirectly to the northeast. Thep will find a cave 3. Then go over the survey will find a statue of three gods. Once back out to find all Atheros againDream fight a while ago to join our fight. Dream command to draw Christian Alltech Cross will run away. Walk forward to find holes in a concealed hole in the left side will find their demon Then that would be to talk to. Some of them will follow us back to Sa Sa.Sarah came back with the Lisa and then you have found the general Leo again. While chatting Cave Osaka has appeared hurt us all swoon and then capture them to make demon Gestalt. Leo and general dissatisfaction with the Cave to fight but to lose and Osaka.Cave Osaka killed any demon that pulls away from the mountain demon and make it all the Gestalt. Then he rose from the grave, we will provide general Leo. Sir, the repair-set Airship Airship will be done to get us together at the same time and shall Cave Mega Porn A video board, Extra gum may god worship ceremony. Make land fall over the sky. 3 people select friends. Followed up. On the way to find all Atheros and Two Phone fight and then we hit the wind of thy Two Phone fan falls from the ship flying, we will agree to a ship flying demon Air Force send out handle it, then we will fall. the earth. Floating up when it comes to fit and you will find a negative shadow on sleep. Then talk to the shadow as a friend. Walking along the path you will find al-arranged times. And it will then travel to visit Osaka and met with Emperor Cave Construction Extra gum (but. Shadow will be separated again) talk about process and restart it at loggerheads with the Cave Osaka severely Then restart the process will hurt the Cave Cave Osaka Osaka unreasonable force pulling away from the statue and then kill everyone, even the Emperor board, Extra gum, it had been killed. Then Shadow will come to help us. But the earth is about to collapse. Then have to hurry away. On the way to meet BOSS GE last year patch handle it and walk to the right of the island there is an airship is to select the command 2 to wait for shadow (If you do not wait for shadow to die and will not be. join Getting more) Rnoๆ any other until last second.Shadow will end up jumping into the vehicle and then fled to escape together, but when the lightning.
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